Internship in Spain
Internship in Spain

Useful information

In Malaga, Madrid or Barcelona, find an internship in Spain. Leave all year round for a unique cultural experience. You can improve your level of Spanish with the evening classes included throughout your work placement. You can also get a refresher course with additional classes before starting your work placement.

LEA LLCE university course
Business Schools
BTS Tourism
Social Sciences / Education




Intermediate Spanish


Program description

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offre de stage humanitaire

Our network of companies and NGOs gives us access to a large number of internships in Spain from 8 weeks up to 24 weeks in various fields such as :

  • Architecture
  • Art and design
  • Business
  • Banking and finance
  • Journalism
  • Education
  • Hospitality et tourisme
  • IT / design
  • Languages and translating
  • Marketing / communication
  • Social work

As there are many and varied positions available, we invite you to contact us so that together we can find a project and a company in Spain whose needs match your expectations.

Tout au long du stage, les cours du soir en espagnol sont assurés 2 jours par semaine (4 heures par semaine). All levels of Spanish are welcome.
It is also possible to take Spanish classes before the course to boost your level (personalised quote).

This internship is aimed at people who speak Spanish or English.

Host organization

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They are recognised and certified Erasmus + programmes. They have helped more than 20,000 students discover Spain while improving their language skills and finding professional opportunities in the Spanish-speaking world.

Strong points

International professional experience
Improve your Spanish in a professional context
Discover a new culture
Take part in a tailor-made international project

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