Elephant conservation project in Thailand
Elephant conservation project in Thailand
Elephant conservation project in Thailand

Useful information

In the province of Chiang Mai, in the North of Thailand, is the small town of Huay Pakoot which is home to our elephant reserve. Saved from tourist activities, the elephants are placed in a reserve where they are well treated, well fed and can evolve in a natural environment in semi freedom.

Bac pro CGEA
Scientific license
Prépa ATS
Veterinary school
Bachelor's/Master's degree in solidarity and sustainable development
Studies in the field of health


Chiang Mai


Intermediate English


Program description

Like all of our gap year programs in English . If you ask yourself the question: “What to do for a gap year before master’s “, we have a solution. Our partner organization works closely with local healers (mahouts) to ensure the well-being of animals often traumatized by past mistreatment.

Missions on the elephant project in Thailand

– Daily hikes in the forest with the coordinators to observe and study the elephants in semi-freedom. The animals on this project have been rescued from unscrupulous local tourist attractions that force them to work in unacceptable conditions.

– Data collection and behavioral analysis of elephants in the reserve. Teamwork with mahouts (traditional Thai healers) and local communities to explore alternatives to elephant exploitation.

– Project coordinators train volunteers on research techniques, animal behavioral studies, biodiversity and Thai culture.

– Volunteers work from Monday to Friday, weekends are free.

Chiang Mai and Northern Thailand

The volunteers who participate in the elephant protection project in Thailand live in total immersion in the Thai environment between the forests and mountains of northern Thailand. They are housed in a rural community in a small village in the heart of the forest. Everyone is involved in this project: we help the children at school, we lend a hand here and there… This program is a real training course on the protection of the environment and animals within of a different culture. Volunteers will learn the issues and challenges of such a commitment, while being in daily contact with elephants.

Internship in an organization in Thailand

The elephant protection project in Thailand can also be the subject of a long-term internship (6 months), an in-depth experience for volunteers who wish to receive training on the environment, animals and culture in addition to their volunteer mission.

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gap year before master's degree

Missions on the elephant project in Thailand

- Daily hikes in the forest with the coordinators to observe and study the elephants in semi-freedom. The animals on this project have been rescued from unscrupulous local tourist attractions that force them to work in unacceptable conditions.

- Data collection and behavioral analysis of elephants in the reserve. Teamwork with mahouts (traditional Thai healers) and local communities to explore alternatives to elephant exploitation.

- Project coordinators train volunteers on research techniques, animal behavioral studies, biodiversity and Thai culture.

- Volunteers work from Monday to Friday, weekends are free.

Chiang Mai and Northern Thailand

The volunteers who participate in the elephant protection project in Thailand live in total immersion in the Thai environment between the forests and mountains of northern Thailand. They are housed in a rural community in a small village in the heart of the forest. Everyone is involved in this project: we help the children at school, we lend a hand here and there... This program is a real training course on the protection of the environment and animals within of a different culture. Volunteers will learn the issues and challenges of such a commitment, while being in daily contact with elephants.

Internship in an organization in Thailand

The elephant protection project in Thailand can also be the subject of a long-term internship (6 months), an in-depth experience for volunteers who wish to receive training on the environment, animals and culture in addition to their volunteer mission.

Host organization

Our partner organisation sits on the United Nations International Commission on Sustainable Tourism.

All their initiatives and volunteer projects are led by experts in collaboration with the local population and national governments.

As a non-profit organisation, our conservation project is completely transparent. The volunteer contribution is used to cover the planning of projects on the reserve (reconnaissance, team recruitment and logistical support), direct field costs (transportation, lodging, staff meals) and finally to support the project itself. Without the physical and financial help of the volunteers, this project would not have been possible.

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All their initiatives and volunteer projects are led by experts in collaboration with the local population and national governments.

As a non-profit organisation, our conservation project is completely transparent. The volunteer contribution is used to cover the planning of projects on the reserve (reconnaissance, team recruitment and logistical support), direct field costs (transportation, lodging, staff meals) and finally to support the project itself. Without the physical and financial help of the volunteers, this project would not have been possible.

Strong points

Learn elephant history, behavior, biology, social interactions and more
Immerse yourself in local culture and the Karen community, who have worked alongside elephants for centuries
Observe elephants in their natural setting, with guides and other semi-wild herds
Cultural immersion

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