English course and project in an ecological center
English course and project in an ecological center
English course and project in an ecological center

Useful information

Located in the heart of rural Ireland, the Gap Year Abroad placement is approximately 20 minutes from Macroom town, and 45 minutes from Cork City, Ireland’s second largest city. This project focuses on agriculture, agricultural activities, maintenance and heritage conservation. He is also interested and involved in the weekly farmers market in Cork City, a vibrant and friendly city.

Discover how a farm works
Physical work
Improve your English
Gain increased autonomy
In-depth knowledge in sustainable development
Workshop facilitation




Intermediate English


Program description

Like all of our programs for a work gap year . The farm in which the volunteers, on a gap year internship abroad after a month of English lessons, come to work is part of a large historic property, which dates from the 18th century. It is surrounded by lush, scenic surrounding countryside with hills, mountains, rivers and waterfalls.

The program

Participants first attend 4 weeks of lessons in English before joining the farm. They will thus be able to strengthen their language skills to live the most enriching immersive experience possible!

Through this project, participants contribute to the preservation of Ireland’s unique heritage, using farming and gardening methods that benefit the natural environment.

Many animals are raised on the farm: cows, pigs, sheep and chickens. This farm sometimes welcomes donkeys or ponies to provide them with a safe shelter. There is a small production of vegetables and fruits in the summer.

Like all of our programs combining gap year and work , this project in Ireland offers theoretical training as well as practical experience within a local structure, to allow you to obtain a complete professionalizing experience.

Details of the project on the farm:

The project focuses on maintaining biodiversity with its woodlands, which include native trees, shelters for bats, sand for solitary bees, and more.

These wooded areas are part of a national program for the conservation of local forests. This program participates in research on the implementation of innovative and natural systems to control the risks of flooding which have increased in the region.

In addition to taking care of the operation of the farm, you will help through this internship during your gap year abroad its farmers to manage a stand to sell local fruit and vegetables at the weekly market in Cork, a market animated by the farmers of the region all year round.

Volunteer work:

You will work approximately 35 hours per week, but these hours are not strictly distributed over the different days. However, expect 5-7 hours of work per day, usually Tuesday to Saturday. They are expected to be really active, to take initiatives.

During the summer months, the focus will be on outdoor activities: gardening (grass cutting, weeding), trail maintenance and general maintenance work, animal feeding, construction general maintenance, etc.

The colder winter months include activities like collecting firewood, trail maintenance and general maintenance, tree planting (November and February) and rainy days will be gone indoors, with tasks such as painting, carpentry and general housekeeping.

Participants should enjoy outdoor physical work and rural life, and be prepared to face different weather conditions.

When the volunteers arrive, they are shown the different types of work. Then they can get involved in various tasks, and choose to focus on specific missions that appeal to them.

Volunteers change jobs to avoid monotony, and to give them the opportunity to learn many different aspects of rural life.

They can also look after the farm stall at the weekly Cork City Market (Saturdays). This gives them a great opportunity to practice their English and connect with the local community.

Transportation is provided within and outside the city. Participants also share cooking and cleaning duties in the project accommodation.

Example of tasks for volunteers:

The tasks of this internship, in a gap year abroad, are varied and depend on the season and the weather, but can include:

  • Gardening (weeding, cutting grass, producing vegetables in summer)
  • Maintenance of paths and stone walls
  • Collection of firewood
  • animal feed
  • Planting trees in winter
  • Production of yogurts (small batches)
  • Assist at the farmers market (serve customers, clean up and storage)
  • Housework
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Gap year internship abroad

The program

Participants first attend 4 weeks of lessons in English before joining the farm. They will thus be able to strengthen their language skills to live the most enriching immersive experience possible!

Through this project, participants contribute to the preservation of Ireland's unique heritage, using farming and gardening methods that benefit the natural environment.

Many animals are raised on the farm: cows, pigs, sheep and chickens. This farm sometimes welcomes donkeys or ponies to provide them with a safe shelter. There is a small production of vegetables and fruits in the summer.

Like all of our programs combining gap year and work , this project in Ireland offers theoretical training as well as practical experience within a local structure, to allow you to obtain a complete professionalizing experience.


Details of the project on the farm:

The project focuses on maintaining biodiversity with its woodlands, which include native trees, shelters for bats, sand for solitary bees, and more.

These wooded areas are part of a national program for the conservation of local forests. This program participates in research on the implementation of innovative and natural systems to control the risks of flooding which have increased in the region.

In addition to taking care of the operation of the farm, you will help through this internship during your gap year abroad its farmers to manage a stand to sell local fruit and vegetables at the weekly market in Cork, a market animated by the farmers of the region all year round.


Volunteer work:

You will work approximately 35 hours per week, but these hours are not strictly distributed over the different days. However, expect 5-7 hours of work per day, usually Tuesday to Saturday. They are expected to be really active, to take initiatives.

During the summer months, the focus will be on outdoor activities: gardening (grass cutting, weeding), trail maintenance and general maintenance work, animal feeding, construction general maintenance, etc.

The colder winter months include activities like collecting firewood, trail maintenance and general maintenance, tree planting (November and February) and rainy days will be gone indoors, with tasks such as painting, carpentry and general housekeeping.

Participants should enjoy outdoor physical work and rural life, and be prepared to face different weather conditions.

When the volunteers arrive, they are shown the different types of work. Then they can get involved in various tasks, and choose to focus on specific missions that appeal to them.

Volunteers change jobs to avoid monotony, and to give them the opportunity to learn many different aspects of rural life.

They can also look after the farm stall at the weekly Cork City Market (Saturdays). This gives them a great opportunity to practice their English and connect with the local community.

Transportation is provided within and outside the city. Participants also share cooking and cleaning duties in the project accommodation.


Example of tasks for volunteers:

The tasks of this internship, in a gap year abroad, are varied and depend on the season and the weather, but can include:

  • Gardening (weeding, cutting grass, producing vegetables in summer)
  • Maintenance of paths and stone walls
  • Collection of firewood
  • animal feed
  • Planting trees in winter
  • Production of yogurts (small batches)
  • Assist at the farmers market (serve customers, clean up and storage)
  • Housework
Gap year internship abroad

Host organization

The local NGO is supported by a small team of professionals passionate about international mobility, international education and intercultural exchange.

It is based in the friendly and vibrant city of Cork, in the south of Ireland, and runs programs across the country. These links with local communities, projects, institutions and experts allow them to design programs that meet the needs of our volunteers and interns.

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It is based in the friendly and vibrant city of Cork, in the south of Ireland, and runs programs across the country. These links with local communities, projects, institutions and experts allow them to design programs that meet the needs of our volunteers and interns.

Strong points

Multicultural team
Combination of countryside and city
Diversity of activities and learning
Relationship with locals in the market

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