Paid work in South Korea
Paid work in South Korea
Paid work in South Korea

Useful information

Take a Working Holiday during your gap year in South Korea and benefit from individual support to find a paid job during your first month.

Start working as soon as you arrive in Korea, thanks to the ongoing support of the local team. Visit the country during your free time, while gaining professional experience abroad!

Increased independence
Language skills
Adaptation to a new professional world
Experience of a foreign culture




Intermediate English


Program description

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année de césure corée

With 6 main universities and 17 other universities, Daegu is the country's leading student city, which explains the large number of international students. The atmosphere in the city centre, with its bars, clubs, shops and markets, is characterised by youth and student life. The cost of living is relatively lower than in Seoul.

Daegu is also an industrial city, with industries in electronics manufacturing, fashion, textiles, high technology... so many job opportunities for Working Holiday students.

Around Daegu, there are many places to visit, villages with a real historical dimension, numerous Buddhist temples and the nearby mountains such as Palong-san.


Korean language courses :

2 Korean language courses are included in the 4-week programme. The courses are given by the largest language school in Daegu. It is located right in the centre, within walking distance of the accommodation, in a modern building.

Depending on your needs, you can extend the course period or take an intensive course. Language courses are available at different levels, from beginners to upper intermediate. The school also offers language exchanges twice a week at no extra cost.


What kind of paid work can you find in Korea?

In the heart of the city and around Daegu, there are several large companies such as Samsung and Coupang that recruit people who speak little or no Korean for student jobs (preparing orders, loading transport, etc.).

Paid jobs like these can already be found during the introductory month. You can start working as soon as you receive your Alien Card (this takes around three weeks).


Included in the Working Holiday package:

  • Online interview with the local team before departure to give you all the information you need and answer any questions you may have.
  • Accommodation for the first month
  • Korean lessons for the first month
  • Welcome at Incheon airport
  • Pick-up from Daegu station
  • Registration at the immigration office
  • Assistance with opening a bank account and obtaining a SIM card
  • Local orientation
  • Help with job hunting (advice, individual CV preparation, individual follow-up sessions)
  • Activity once a week
  • Assistance throughout your gap year in South Korea


Additional options :

  • 2 sessions of 90 minutes Korean lessons per week
  • 5 sessions of 90 minutes Korean lessons per week
  • Accommodation in a double room (first month) : +200€
  • Train tickets and other transports (metro, requiring a special magnetic card) to Daegu from Incheon for the day of arrival : + 40€

Host organization

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Since 2007, our partners have been offering paid work, internships, volunteer assignments and cultural experiences in various countries..

Their aim is to be an innovator in educational programmes, both online and on-site, designed to promote dialogue between cultures and impart international skills.

Intercultural understanding in a globalised world is a key skill. This is not something that can be built on "theory" alone, but through fun and enriching experiences.

Their aim is to provide a high-quality service to participants and to provide long-term support to local organisations, particularly in the case of so-called developing countries.

Strong points

Paid work abroad
Immersion in a new culture
Increased autonomy
Multicultural team

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