Where can I do my marketing internship abroad?

Where can I do my marketing internship abroad?
Posted on 3 December 2024

In recent years, many business schools have asked their students to undertake an international marketing internship as part of their curriculum.

An international experience represents a unique opportunity to professionalize your skills, improve your English and acquire a wealth of valuable knowledge and know-how.

The advantages of international marketing internships

Working abroad allows you to experience the world of work on an international stage. It's an opportunity to put into practice what you've learned during your studies, while learning new communication strategies and methods.

Joining a multicultural team is a guarantee that you'll acquire an open mind, as well as personal and professional development during this rich experience.

English is also one of the main advantages of a marketing internship abroad. Fluency in English is becoming a prerequisite in professional life, and makes all the difference to employers. An immersion internship means acquiring these language skills in the context of the working world, and developing a rich and technical vocabulary.

An international marketing internship is the perfect combination of professional experience, practical application and skills acquisition.

Marketing internship in South Africa

Among the possible choices for a marketing communications internship, South Africa is one of the top English-speaking destinations. Indeed, local companies, associations and NGOs have been growing steadily for several years, making this country an attractive destination for students.

RealStep is offering a communications and marketing internship in Cape Town, the country's economic capital, in the humanitarian sector. As well as providing a wealth of experience, this internship will bring a lasting impact to the region through the actions of the local NGO.

Your mission will be to develop the visibility of the NGO, thereby enhancing its impact and attracting a maximum number of participants and funding.

Communication and marketing in the development and humanitarian sector have become non-negligible aspects, and your contribution in exchange for a comprehensive learning experience in the field is most welcome. It's also an opportunity to discover a whole new culture, and to forge links with people from the four corners of the globe.

Internships in New Zealand

Still in the English-speaking world, New Zealand is an ideal destination for discovering a unique culture through immersion in the Commonwealth. In particular, it's a country accessible via a working holiday or PVT, which allows you to work and travel for 1 year in the country! Realstep accompanies you on a PVT working vacation experience, which allows you to alternate paid jobs and travel throughout New Zealand.

These first three weeks are often an opportunity to study English with people from all over the world, looking for the same experience as you. It's a great time to bond with this multicultural group, so you can meet up again on your travels, if you wish!

Studying and working in Canada

Canada is the second most popular destination for combining study and work experience in an English-speaking environment. Realstep offers the Study and Work in Canada program, where you can earn credits in your field of study and obtain a paid internship. For example, for a marketing internship, this program enables you to acquire the strategies applied in Canada during your theoretical training, and then work in a local company.

The partner school will support and guide you according to your skills, profile and expectations. It's the ideal solution to guarantee dual learning, both in the field and in class, with a different marketing approach, specific to the English-speaking world!

Internships in Argentina

More original, South America can also introduce you to an English-speaking professional environment, as well as a very special culture. If you're looking for a change of scenery, Argentina is the place to go!

RealStep offers you the chance to combine this desire for cultural and professional discovery in various sectors. It's an opportunity to learn more about what makes up tomorrow's world, by discovering new communication and marketing strategies, as well as a creative process specific to the company you'll be working for!

To conclude

Whatever the destination, the marketing communication internships offered by RealStep have one thing in common:

  • Multicultural teams
  • Various sectors - social, high tech, commerce, etc.
  • Possible combinations with theoretical training
  • Paid positions according to the formula chosen for an international marketing internship.
  • Cultural immersion guaranteed.

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