Mission in NGO: when to leave and how to get involved?

Mission in NGO: when to leave and how to get involved?
Posted on 29 November 2024

More and more people want to get involved during their personal or professional life in volunteering projects. But how to leave, when to commit and for how long? That's what we're going to tell you about in this article!

When to start a project, and for how long?

During your studies, or your professional career, there are various times when you can carry out an international volunteering project. Take advantage of your school vacations or your gap year as a student to commit to an NGO mission. If you're already in the workforce, you can take a sabbatical or leave of absence to work on an international project. If you want to retrain, or leave your current job, you can also do a Volontariat Solidaire International (see below) for one year and receive unemployment benefits! Some projects require a commitment of between 1 week and 1 year, while others are of a more specific duration, depending on your needs.

But how do you go about an NGO assignment?

When you want to get involved, you have a number of options for carrying out your project. Institutions offer support for many projects, as do intermediary organizations. Find out more about the different options available to you, so you can choose the one that suits you best.

Working with an NGO on a humanitarian project

Many organizations offer humanitarian missions abroad, lasting from 1 week to 1 year. It's the ideal way to get involved during your vacations, vacation or gap year. Some projects are accessible from the age of 16, and there is no upper age limit for international assignments. You can put together your own project, defining the duration and the assignment from a very wide choice. You can go through intermediary organizations, which look for ethical and safe missions and accompany you in your project. But be sure to check out the organization you decide to work with to make sure it's reliable!

Civic service abroad for under-26s

Civic service, organized by the French government, represents a mission of general interest for people aged between 16 and 25. For young people with disabilities, civic service is possible up to the age of 30. It can be carried out in France or abroad, and requires no qualifications! The only conditions are motivation and interpersonal skills. Civic service aims to strengthen social diversity, with missions lasting from 6 to 12 months. The projects on offer are diverse, with over 30,000 missions on offer directly on the service-civique.gouv.fr website!

European Voluntary Service (EVS): getting involved in Europe

When you sign up for the European Voluntary Service, you'll be volunteering abroad. This program is reserved for people aged 17 to 30, and aims to improve the skills of young Europeans. It is financed by the European Commission, which means that participants are covered for accommodation, meals, part of their travel costs and health insurance for the duration of the project.

United Nations Volunteer :

This is another option for taking on an international volunteering mission. The aim of this program is to contribute to development and peace in the world, through volunteering. The conditions are more specific, and this program is aimed at more experienced profiles. To be a United Nations volunteer, you must be at least 25 years old, and hold a university degree or higher technical diploma, with proof of at least 2 years' professional experience. You must also have experience of volunteering or working in a developing country. The fields of action are numerous, and all contribute to sustainable development. Projects last from 6 to 24 months, and the United Nations covers the various costs by paying a monthly living allowance.

International solidarity leave :

The CSI (Congé de Solidarité Internationale - International Solidarity Leave) is a good alternative for employees wishing to undertake a humanitarian mission abroad. It is reserved for employees wishing to carry out a volunteer mission abroad, for a maximum duration of 6 months. Public-sector employees are not eligible for CSI.

For this leave, the project must be international, within an association or an international organization of which France is a member.

More specific conditions are laid down directly by each company, within a collective agreement or contract. This agreement defines the maximum duration, the required seniority, the maximum number of simultaneous ISCs, the support provided to employees on their return...

The CSI can be refused by the employer, however, if the employee's temporary absence is detrimental to the company.

During this period of international solidarity leave, the employee is not paid. They may, however, take days off with the agreement of their employer.

Volontariat de solidarité international (VSI): long-term assignments

It's a commitment to approved associations. There is no age limit or nationality requirement for joining a VSI. All you need to do is come of age, and not be bound by an employment contract, unless you're on sabbatical or international solidarity leave. A contract is signed by the participant and the chosen association. The project is carried out outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and the participant's country of origin or residence, to contribute to international solidarity. The maximum duration of a VSI contract is two years. Find out more about 25 associations approved for VSI placements.

For those who want to get involved, there are many ways to take part in an international NGO project. You can carry out a mission that's close to your heart, while benefiting from the support of a specialized structure, for a period determined in advance according to your availability!

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