How to get funding for a humanitarian project

How to get funding for a humanitarian project
Posted on 14 January 2025

Whether you're on your own or in a group, there are many ways to raise funds to help you achieve your goal. In this section, you'll find the tools and advice you need to present your project and seek out sponsors who might be interested in financing a humanitarian project.


Creating an online kitty


This is the first and most important stage of your fundraising campaign! You can create an online kitty on a crowdfunding platform and share your objectives. Be sure to include videos and any other elements that will help you present your project.


There are many online crowdfunding organizations, but Wweeddoo and Globedreamers specialize in humanitarian projects, and will guide you through all the steps involved in raising funds or finding sponsors.


If you're a group, we advise you to create an association, appoint a president, treasurer and secretary, and open an account on Hello Asso. These steps are more time-consuming but less costly than an online kitty. It's also worth noting that the Hello Asso platform favors corporate sponsorship, which means you can deduct up to 66% of your donation from tax.


Once your project is online, you'll be able to share your story with the whole world, and above all have a medium through which to contact your loved ones and potential sponsors - ideal as a means of financing your humanitarian project.


Media campaigns to finance humanitarian projects


Now that your crowdfunding page is online, it's time to spread the word on every social networking account you have. Post it to relevant groups, student associations, professional networks and/or contact committed influencers who agree to pass on your message to their followers.


Another possibility: ask for an interview in a local newspaper. Many groups of students who have left with Freepackers have shared press articles featuring their photo, project description and online kitty.


Contact our corporate foundations


Research and compile a list of all the companies that promote a foundation, a philanthropic organization or social responsibility. Today, many companies claim to be committed to sustainable development and to supporting social and environmental causes. Most have substantial funds at their disposal to support humanitarian and solidarity initiatives.


Here are some recent figures on corporate foundations:

In France, 47% of corporate foundations have been created since 2009. These are major players: 2/3 of corporate foundations spend more than 200,000 euros a year, with a quarter exceeding one million euros. Source : Le Monde


How to get a referral: 8 key tactics!


  1. Look for potential sponsors.
  2. Tell the story of your organization and present your project
  3. Offer counter-parties. Sponsors are looking for visibility.
  4. Turn to reliable, robust companies.
  5. Use stats and figures to support your argument.
  6. Find the right contact or department within the company
  7. Establish a relationship with regular contacts.
  8. Relaunch!


Contact private foundations


Lions Club / Rotary Club


Lions Club and Rotary Club foundations distribute funds and support projects in the following areas: youth, disaster relief, humanitarian, medical, hunger relief, education and the environment.


Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million caring decision-makers who see a world where people come together and take action to bring lasting change to the world.


Less elitist, Lions Clubs are made up of middle and senior managers from small businesses, while Rotary Clubs tend to bring together executives and professionals.


Environmental and humanitarian foundations


Some private and philanthropic foundations offer grants for environmental, animal and social projects, as well as funding for humanitarian projects. Don't hesitate to contact them to present your project and find out about their eligibility criteria for funding a project. Here are a few examples:


Foundation for Nature and Mankind

The Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme, initially known as the Fondation Ushuaïa, then the Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l'Homme, is a French foundation recognized as being in the public interest, whose aim is to raise awareness of environmental issues.


Brigitte Bardot Foundation

The Brigitte Bardot Foundation, founded by Brigitte Bardot in 1986, is a French foundation dedicated to the protection of animals. Recognized as a charitable organization since February 21, 1992, its scope of action is both national and international.


We invite you to consult the online foundation directories, of which there are over 2,000 in France.


Think local!


Sports challenges


Sign up for a race or sporting event and ask your friends and family to make a donation for your participation. Another option: organize a waste collection event and ask donors to make a donation for each garbage bag filled. The options are endless, so let your imagination run wild!


Organize events

A group of student nurses from St Etienne hit the jackpot by organizing a one-day hike. With participation fees set at €5 per person, they managed to raise €7,000 in one day - almost all the funds needed to finance their internship in Thailand!


Other events, such as tombolas and quiz nights, can be organized with a participation fee. Think about canvassing companies and businesses to sponsor prizes for the winners!


Partnership with a restaurant

Introduce your project to restaurants close to your establishment, or find a local restaurant owner who agrees to make a donation per meal ordered for the evening. Now's the time to invite your friends and loved ones to pad the bill a little :)


Donations as gifts

Take advantage of special occasions to ask your loved ones for a donation. Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries...send your kitty to friends and family and ask them to make a donation instead of buying you a gift this year.


Sell your stuff


Clothes, books, games and other accessories that have been lying around for years can earn you a little extra cash at a garage sale or a sale on a second-hand website (Vinted, le Bon Coin...). And if you don't have enough stock, invite your friends and family to donate their books to earn money while clearing out the clutter!


Collecting Miles


Plane tickets are an important part of the cost of an international project. Ask your globetrotting friends, some of whom may be able to give you a helping hand by donating their miles... A great way to travel at a lower cost!


Put your talents to good use


Use your skills! If you have a talent for photography, you can organize an exhibition to sell your photos, make a calendar, offer portraits in exchange for a small donation. Be creative and use your talents to achieve your goal.


The great classic: the bake sale

Everyone knows how to make pancakes, yoghurt cake or cookies. Whether you're at university, a flea market, a fair or a company, selling pastries or sweets is always a great way to finance a humanitarian project!

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