Nate and Dan’s Adventure of a Lifetime

Nate and Dan’s Adventure of a Lifetime
Posted on 29 November 2024

Nate and Dan's Adventure of a Lifetime

Nate and Dan were born and raised surfing the waves of the East Coast of Australia. They both shared the same dream. Leave their respective jobs, go on adventures, surf and meet new people.
In 1998 they turned their dream into reality by creating this program. Life couldn't be better... meeting people from all over the world, surfing, teaching others to surf, eating good food and enjoying life day and night. All in the best surf spots between Syndey and Byron Bay.

Introducing others to the "way of life" of an Australian surfer was for them a duty, but above all a pleasure. Little by little, they succeeded in expanding their family, moving up the ladder and spreading their business all over the world.

It wasn't just the east coast of Australia, but also Raglan in New Zealand, 6 different islands in Indonesia and Portugal.

"I was in Indonesia, on my way to Portugal to buy a castle and start a new adventure, when I heard that Australia was closing its borders to the rest of the world. Europe was closed, Indonesia was going to close.

One person fell ill and suddenly the whole world was turned upside down. I took the last flight to Australia, and when I got there a man in a white suit gave me a piece of paper and I had to isolate myself for 14 days. The first day I turned on the television, I couldn't believe it. We went from 35,000 customers a year to 0.

It was like seeing your whole life, your job... Imagine you're an artist and all your life you've been working on this canvas that's now beautiful, that everyone loves, and then one day someone comes along and rips it up. I saw it all evaporate before my eyes. But you always have to look at the positive in these situations!

I think that within 8 months we'll be able to hold our own, the backpakers are slowly coming back, and we're going to rebuild all that. I believe we'll rise from the ashes. If someone offered me a million dollars tomorrow, first I'd secure the spots we have, then I'd teach emerging countries how to run surf schools so they'd have that income. Then I'd open schools in Costa Rica and Sri Lanka.

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